How to wear it right?

We can see from the left side it's the wrong way to wear clothes it's too lose .. wearing like that will reflect man does not care about himself does not know himself will make you older than your age actually not so attracted to women too Maybe before several decades most men wearing like that because that's the rule only women wear it tight 
On the right fit perfectly not lose but also not too tight 

Here is the right shorts depends on man high 
If you are short you will wear the first one from the left above the knee by inche or inches and half 
If you are mid high you will wear the second one from left the short reach the mid of the knee if you are tall man choose the last one from left the short must cover the knees .. just below the knee directly 

These instructions for Tie how to do it and must important to know it's perfect or not .. the tie must parallel to the eyes not less not more look at mirror or use ruler to make sure unless the trend is big or small and you want to follow the trend but this is the orginal way that will last forever looking to your pictures will not make others laugh at yours 

For more tips check my next post 

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